Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Modge Podge and Decopatch

Today I decorated a vase and some tumbler glasses with decopatch papers. This is great fun! 

I bought the vase from hobbycraft in the sale a little while ago for £1.49 and the tumblers are from an asda value box of glasses. My intention is to use the tumblers as tea-light holders. I was a bit apprehensive about whether they would withstand the heat so I have tested them by leaving a candle to burn in them and they didn't crack under the heat (literally). However if you attempt to do the same I should advise that you also check the glass and leave it to cool down before touching it. I TAKE NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR MISHAPS USING GLASSES AS TEA-LIGHT HOLDERS!!!!

To make I simply ripped the decopatch paper up into 50p sized pieces. I turned the vase upside down and started at the top (bottom of the vase). I used a decopatch brush to paint on some modge podge then applied the paper, brushed out any bubbles and applied a thin coat of modge podge over the top. I continued to do this, overlapping each piece of paper slightly. Once covered I left to dry for a couple of hours.  I took a sharp craft knife and ran it closely around the base and top of the vase to cut away the edges leaving it smooth and neat.

I really like it, but you can see the difference between the pink vase and the clear glass. I have 4 other vases which I think I'll just decorate and sell on by itself rather than as a set. I'd be a bit worried to sell the tea-light holders in their new form for health and safety reasons. This lovely little set sit pretty in my girly spare room.

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