Friday, 2 August 2013

Current work in progress...

I ordered some decorative mdf shapes and letters from Lasersmith which arrived super fast-often there's a 7-10 day dispatch time on wooden craft items, but these were dispatched the very next day. Whilst they don't offer a massive range of shapes, I have found their prices very reasonable for letters. 

Anyway, it was my intention to create a personalised gift for my niece and nephew for their new bedrooms in their dad's house. I planned to decorate a large letter with cute embellishments and then frame it in a shadow box. When I received the letters they were sent in the wood that they had been cut out from. My eyes instantly lit up as I realised I would be able to use this as a stencil.

I dug out a canvas board I'd bought from a stationary shop in Llandudno which only cost a couple of pounds. I wanted to make a girly one first as I already had lots of lovely embellishments to use. However in my eagerness to get cracking I was really haphazard and it ended up a bit of a dogs dinner. Rather than waste the canvas I just needed to respray it with a darker colour. So I decided to spray the canvas in a dark blue and stencil on the letter in a lighter blue. Again, it was a bit of a rush job and I had to touch it up in places where the colour had leaked but I was really pleased with how it turned out. 

Now I just need to wait for my embellishment to arrive to further decorate it. I'm considering putting the rest of the name in 3cm letters going across the bottom with either a whale or an elephant wooden shape. What do you think? Letters in blue and shape in white? Or all in light blue? Decisions, decisions!

Where the colour leaked I simply sprayed a household sponge with the spray paint and dabbed at it with the correct colour. Next time I do this I'll take the time to cover areas I don't want paint getting onto with masking tape and spray into the stencil from straight above rather than at an angle so the paint doesn't leak.

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