Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Trying something new...

I am currently grabbing 20 minutes as my eldest little boy (19 months old) has an afternoon nap, and my youngest little boy (7 months old) sits in his bumbo seat, entertaining himself.

Until the arrival of my little boys I had worked up to the dizzying heights of Head of Department in secondary education, teaching religious education. I absolutely love my job. I love working with children. However, my gift is also my curse and I can not do a job half heartedly. I throw 110% at anything I'm involved with and so the arrival of my boys mean that teaching, full time at least, is not something I can manage. I have learnt a whole new world of multi-tasking as a mum of two young boys but sadly I haven't mastered the art of creating extra hours in the day and I don't have the resources to give both my boys and school the love and attention they deserve.

This means I have had to resign from my teaching post and for the first time since receiving my national insurance card at 16, I am unemployed-SCARY!

I started crafting when I was pregnant with Toby. I had an awful pregnancy and suffered with hyperemesis gravidarum - the hideous sickness that never ends, so I started my maternity leave at the earliest opportunity. Whilst I was physically capable of very little my mind hadn't switched off from work and was buzzing for something to do. I happened to stumble across a crafty discussion on the moneysavingexpert website. I was inspired by all the amazing ideas and decided to have a stab at some of the creations other people had made. I soon realised I had my own creative streak and that I thoroughly enjoyed designing and making little gifts.

I get so carried away with ideas I often forget what I had intended to make before I get around to making it. Or I make something and forget how I did it. My biggest frustration is finding inspiration in other people's work and not properly bookmarking it. I have therefore decided to give blogging a go. I've always enjoyed "writing", I love educating and its a great feeling to create something and then have people admire your work. So please, introduce yourself, your blog and your work and take any inspiration from my work that you can.

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